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How to Create & Add a Popup in OpenCart: 2 Easy Methods

How to Create & Add a Popup in OpenCart: 2 Easy Methods

I love OpenCart. It’s powered my entire business, empowering me to create a beautiful and functional online store. Lately, I’ve been diving into the world of OpenCart popups, those little attention-grabbers that can work wonders for growing your email list and boosting conversion rates. So, does OpenCart offer a popup functionality? Well, it doesn’t. But...
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10 Effective Shopping Cart Abandonment Solutions That Increase Sales

10 Effective Shopping Cart Abandonment Solutions That Increase Sales

Shopping cart abandonment is a common challenge faced by online businesses. The average cart abandonment rate is around 70%, meaning seven out of ten shoppers abandon their carts before completing the purchase. This is a major concern for businesses because it can lead to a lot of lost sales and revenue. However, there are effective solutions that can...
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7 Proven Techniques to Convert Website Traffic Into Quality Leads

7 Proven Techniques to Convert Website Traffic Into Quality Leads

If you’re looking to convert traffic into leads, then you’ve come to the right place! Did you know that a staggering 96% of your website visitors aren’t ready to buy on their first visit? That means you’re missing out on a huge chunk of potential customers! Image source: Autogrow That’s where website popups come in. They can...
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10 eCommerce Marketing Ideas to Revive Lost Sales in 2024

10 eCommerce Marketing Ideas to Revive Lost Sales in 2024

The US eCommerce market is expected to reach a market volume of US$1,534.00 billion by 2028. That’s a staggering number, isn’t it? But let’s face the other side of the coin – with great opportunities comes a difficulty to stand out in the crowd. I mean, the chances of old eCommerce marketing ideas (cold calls, emails, ads, etc.) boosting...
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How to Reduce Bounce Rate on Shopify: Strategies for Success

How to Reduce Bounce Rate on Shopify: Strategies for Success

How to reduce the bounce rate on Shopify is a common question among most online store owners. But why is it so? So let’s consider you have a great product, but somehow, your visitors are not sticking around to see more of it. Why is that? What are you doing wrong? And more importantly, what can...
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8 Best Discount Popup Examples to Boost Your Sales

8 Best Discount Popup Examples to Boost Your Sales

Discount popups are a great way to attract and engage customers, increasing their likelihood of purchasing from your website. An overwhelming majority of U.S. shoppers, 93% to be precise, consider discounts and offers as crucial factors in their decision-making process when it comes to purchasing from a retailer or brand. In this blog post, we’ll explore...
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Top 7 Cross-Sell Apps for Shopify Stores: Skyrocket Sales in 2024

Top 7 Cross-Sell Apps for Shopify Stores: Skyrocket Sales in 2024

Looking to boost your revenue in the competitive world of e-commerce? Shopify cross-sell apps could be the answer. By suggesting complementary products to your customers, you can enhance their shopping experience and increase sales. And luckily for Shopify users, many cross-selling apps are available to make this process easier. But with so many options, how...
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7 Best Welcome Popup Examples That Instantly Grab Attention

7 Best Welcome Popup Examples That Instantly Grab Attention

Welcome popups are among the most effective ways to capture visitors’ attention and turn them into customers. They can help showcase your value proposition, offer discounts, collect email addresses, or promote a special deal. But how do you create a welcome popup that stands out from the crowd and convinces your visitors to take action?...
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How to Improve Cross-Selling and Boost Revenue

How to Improve Cross-Selling and Boost Revenue

Want to know how to improve cross-selling and boost your revenue? You’re in the right place. Cross-selling can be a powerful way to increase your sales and customer loyalty, but it is not easy to do it right. Many businesses face challenges such as finding the right products to cross-sell, creating relevant and personalized offers,...
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How to Increase Website Conversion Rate

How to Increase Website Conversion Rate

Have you ever experienced the frustration of having a website that feels like a bustling intersection, yet lacks the traffic to match the activity? It’s a common concern for many website owners, where the virtual hustle and bustle don’t translate into meaningful engagement. The metaphorical busy intersection might echo with potential, but without the right...
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