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10 Effective Shopping Cart Abandonment Solutions That Increase Sales

10 Effective Shopping Cart Abandonment Solutions That Increase Sales

Shopping cart abandonment is a common challenge faced by online businesses. The average cart abandonment rate is around 70%, meaning seven out of ten shoppers abandon their carts before completing the purchase.

This is a major concern for businesses because it can lead to a lot of lost sales and revenue.

However, there are effective solutions that can help reduce shopping cart abandonment and increase sales. In this article, we will explore 10 proven shopping cart abandonment solutions and strategies that actually work.

Let’s dive in.

Top 10 Shopping Cart Abandonment Solutions & Strategies

Here are the tips and best practices you can use to ensure successful shopping cart checkouts:

1. Use Exit-Intent Popups

Exit-Intent Popups

Explore Exit-Intent Popup Templates

Exit-intent popups are a powerful way to grab the attention of visitors who are about to leave your website without making a purchase. These popups are designed to appear when a visitor’s cursor moves toward the top of the screen or when they are about to close the tab or browser window.

Exit-intent popups can be highly effective as a shopping cart abandonment solution, as they present customers with compelling offers or incentives to persuade them to reconsider their decision to leave.

For example, an exit-intent popup might offer a discount code, free shipping, or a limited-time promotion.

When designing your exit-intent popups, you should keep in mind the value proposition of your products, what your customers are looking for, and what motivates them to complete a purchase.

Doing so will help you craft compelling, targeted popups that are more likely to reduce shopping cart abandonment rates and increase conversions.

2. Offer Free Shipping

Offer Free Shipping

High shipping costs are one of the leading causes of shopping cart abandonment. If your customers are not willing to pay for shipping, they are more likely to abandon their carts. By offering free shipping, you can remove this barrier and motivate customers to complete their purchase.

If offering free shipping shopping as a shopping cart abandonment solution is not economically feasible for your business, you can consider setting a minimum order threshold for customers to qualify for free shipping.

This approach encourages customers to add more items to their cart to meet the free shipping requirement, which can help you increase the average order value.

3. Use Email Automation

Email automation is an effective shopping cart abandonment solution in cases where customers leave the website after abandoning their cart. By capturing the email addresses of potential customers who abandon their carts, you can send them a series of personalized emails as a reminder to complete their purchase.

These emails can include special offers, discounts, or time-limited promotions to encourage them to return and complete the transaction.

With email automation, you can also tailor the content and messaging of your emails based on the behavior of your customers.

For example, you can present an email popup, such as the one below, to collect the email addresses of abandoning visitors.

Use Email Automation

You can then send a follow-up email to customers who added items to their cart but didn’t complete the transaction, while sending a different email to those who added items to their cart, started the checkout process, but didn’t follow through with the purchase.

All of this is easy if you integrate your popup software with your favorite email automation tool.

Use Email Automation

With a well-crafted email automation campaign, you can significantly reduce shopping cart abandonment rates.

Related Read: 14 Abandoned Cart Email Examples to Win Customers

4. Launch Retargeting Ads

With 3 out of 4 consumers noticing retargeted ads, retargeting is a powerful advertising technique and shopping cart abandonment solution that allows you to reach out to customers who have abandoned their carts.

By serving them personalized ads on various platforms, such as social media or display networks, you can remind them about the products they showed interest in and encourage them to return and complete the purchase.

Retargeting ads work by using cookies to track the behavior of website visitors who have abandoned their carts.


Once they leave your website, the retargeting ads will follow them as they browse other websites or social media platforms.

These ads serve as a reminder of the products they left in their carts, providing them with a new opportunity to complete the purchase.

Crafting Relevant Product

Image Source: ReTargeter

To launch retargeting ads, you’ll need to set up a retargeting campaign with an advertising platform, such as Facebook Ads or Google Ads. You can customize your ads to target those who abandoned their carts with personalized messaging, exclusive offers, or incentives.

5. Re-Engage Popups Triggered With Inactivity

Sometimes, customers abandon their shopping carts due to distractions or hesitations during the checkout process.

By using re-engage popups that are triggered by a certain period of inactivity, you can remind customers to complete their purchase. These popups can include a discount or limited-time offer to create a sense of urgency.

Re-engage popups work by setting a timer that triggers a popup when a customer is inactive for a certain period of time. When the popup appears, it offers a discount or incentive to complete the purchase.

Re-engage popups work best as a shopping cart abandonment solution when they are designed to provide value to the customer, such as a discount or limited-time offer.

Re-Engage Popups

6. Build Trust with Social Proof

Social Proof Across

Social proof can help increase trust and reduce shopping cart abandonment rates. It refers to the use of customer reviews, ratings, testimonials, and trust badges on your website to demonstrate that others have had a positive experience with your products or services.

Social proof can be highly effective as a shopping cart abandonment solution because it provides potential customers with evidence that others have bought from your business before and haven’t been disappointed.

It can also be used to create urgency, as shown in the example below:

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Image Source: CS-Cart

You can feature social proof on your website’s product pages, your checkout page, or even your homepage.

When leveraging social proof, it’s important to use a variety of content formats to increase its power. For example, featuring a mix of written reviews, images, and video testimonials can provide a more comprehensive picture of the customer experience and help build trust.

Related Read: 12 Best Social Proof Apps to Boost Sales

7. Enable Guest Checkout

Enable Guest Checkout

Image Source: Arengu

Mandatory account creation is another reason why some customers abandon their shopping carts.

By offering guest checkout options, you remove this obstacle and make the checkout process more convenient, increasing conversions.

Allow customers to create an account after completing their purchase, and you can still collect valuable customer data for future marketing efforts.

8. Ensure an Excellent Checkout Experience

A complicated or lengthy checkout process can frustrate customers and lead to shopping cart abandonment.

To reduce shopping cart abandonment rates, you should simplify your checkout process by minimizing the number of steps and only requiring essential information.

Additionally, you should ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, as many shoppers prefer to make purchases on their smartphones or tablets.

Other ways to improve the checkout experience include displaying a progress indicator, offering multiple payment options, and providing clear error messages to help customers navigate the process.

EExcellent Checkout Experience

Image Source: Econsultancy

9. Provide Transparent Pricing Information

A 2022 survey of online shoppers from around the world found that 60% valued brand trust and transparency above all other traits.

Hidden costs or unexpected fees at the checkout page can be a major turn-off for customers.

Crafting Relevant Product

Image Source: Deceptive Patterns

To reduce shopping cart abandonment rates, you should make your pricing information clear and transparent from the beginning.

Display all costs, including taxes, shipping fees, and any other charges upfront. This transparency helps build trust and reduces the likelihood of shopping cart abandonment.

10. Offer Support with Live Chat

During the checkout process, customers may have questions or concerns that can hinder their decision to complete a purchase.

Providing live chat support can help mitigate these concerns and provide instant help to customers. This can lead to higher conversion rates, reduce shopping cart abandonment, and help build brand loyalty.

Offer Support with Live Chat

Live chat support allows customers to obtain quick answers to their questions without leaving your website. This reduces the likelihood of them searching for answers elsewhere, which could lead to a lost sale.

Besides being an excellent shopping cart abandonment solution, live chat support can also help provide a more personalized shopping experience, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

Nip Cart Abandonment in the Bud

Shopping cart abandonment is a significant challenge for online businesses. However, there are several effective solutions that can help reduce abandonment rates and increase sales.

By using exit-intent popups, free shipping, retargeting ads, and other top shopping cart abandonment solutions, you can provide a better shopping experience for your customers, improving your chances of closing sales and increasing revenue.

It’s important to remember that no single approach will work for every business. You need to experiment with different tactics and measure their effectiveness to determine what works best for your business.

However, the best approach would be to stop customers from leaving your website. You can do so with exit-intent popups. Picreel lets you easily create engaging popups with its 100+ templates, drag-and-drop editor, and comprehensive customization options. It even comes with a forever-free plan that allows you to create and deploy unlimited popups without paying anything.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to calculate shopping cart abandonment rate

To calculate the shopping cart abandonment rate, divide the number of completed purchases by the number of carts created and subtract the result from 1. Multiply the answer by 100 to get the percentage. The formula is (1 – (completed purchases/carts created)) * 100.

What are the most common reasons why customers abandon their shopping carts?

Some common reasons why customers abandon their shopping carts include unexpected shipping costs, complicated checkout processes, concerns about site security, high product prices, lack of trust, and comparing prices from different vendors before buying.

What is the impact of exit-intent popups in reducing cart abandonment, and how should they be used effectively?

Exit-intent popups can significantly reduce shopping cart abandonment rates by offering incentives or reminding customers about their items before they leave the website.

However, it’s crucial to implement this shopping cart abandonment solution effectively by providing compelling offers, ensuring the popups are not intrusive, and targeting specific customer segments.

Test different variations and monitor the results to optimize the impact of exit-intent popups.

Read: 9 Simple A/B Tests You Should Perform for Higher Conversions

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About the author

Daniel Nicholes shares insights about CRO, persuasive marketing, exit-intent strategies, and using nudges to capture consumer behavior insights with the goal of enhancing user experience. Daniel writes about CRO methods, including landing page optimization, site intercept surveys, popups, and how to optimize the complete customer journey. Daniel actively contributes to industry discussions, offering actionable & practical advice for experience optimization.