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Mobile Popup Best Practices & Examples + How to Create Them

Mobile Popup Best Practices & Examples + How to Create Them

Did you know that mobile popups convert an average of 5.3% of visitors, while desktop popups convert only 3.11%?

Yeah, as much as people may frown upon seeing website popups, they love the mobile ones.

The reason?

Well, popups on mobile are not the same boring and disturbing ones. Instead, the recent popups are designed to grab attention and increase conversions.

Wish to know how to make the performance of your mobile popups better?

We have got you covered.

Here are tips and tricks on how to get better outcomes when you create mobile popups, types of mobile popups that convert, and steps to create a mobile popup.

Let’s get started.

8 Mobile Popup Best Practices to Follow

Here are some of the mobile popup best practices to follow in order to get the desirable

1. Optimize for different devices and screen resolutions

It’s essential to test your mobile popups across various devices and screen resolutions to ensure they appear and function correctly. As new devices are continually emerging, it’s crucial to stay up to date with the latest mobile technologies and perform thorough testing.

Tools like the Google Web Developer Chrome Extension, BrowserStack, or CrossBrowserTesting can assist in testing your popups on different devices and platforms.

Optimize for different devices and screen resolutions

2. Use responsive design techniques:

Responsive design is an approach that adapts website elements to fit different screen sizes. Implementing responsive design for your popups ensures that they adjust proportionately to the user’s screen, providing a seamless browsing experience.

By using media queries, you can define the display resolutions that your popups will support, enhancing their compatibility on various devices.

Use responsive design techniques

3. Limit the number of popups

Bombarding users with too many popups can be disruptive and frustrating. Instead, strategically determine when and where to display your popups to avoid overwhelming visitors. It’s important to strike a balance between promoting your message or offer and respecting the user’s browsing experience.

Limit the number of popups

Image Source: PushAlert

4. Avoid Pushy Ads

To ensure a positive user experience, avoid using intrusive interstitial popups that obstruct the content or functionality of your website. Google penalizes websites that use such interstitials, so it’s crucial to find a balance between displaying your message and respecting the user’s browsing experience.

Consider using less intrusive formats, such as banners or slide-ins, or ensure that your popups can be easily dismissed by users.

Avoid Pushy Ads

Image Source: PushAlert

5. Consider user goals and desires

To effectively engage users, align your popups with their goals and desires. Understand what your target audience is looking to achieve on your website and craft popups that provide value, whether it’s relevant content, offers, or solutions.

Taking a holistic approach that addresses the needs of both mobile and desktop users will help you connect with your customers more effectively.

templates menus

6. Optimize site speed

Popups that contain high-resolution images can slow down your website’s loading speed, negatively impacting the user experience. To optimize site speed, minimize the use of images in your popups and consider using code whenever possible.

By replacing graphic-heavy designs with coded elements, you can significantly improve the loading time of your popups and ensure a smoother browsing experience for your mobile users.

Optimize site speed

7. Customize WordPress for mobile

If your website is built on WordPress, consider using plugins like Duda Mobile and W3 Total Cache to enhance mobile compatibility. Plugins like Duda Mobile enable you to create a separate, mobile-optimized version of your website, ensuring a seamless experience for mobile users.

Additionally, plugins like W3 Total Cache can help optimize and cache your website’s files, further improving the performance and speed of mobile visitors.

Customize WordPress for mobile

8. Test for duplicate content and cloaking

It’s essential to ensure that the content displayed in your popups is consistent with the content on your desktop site to avoid duplicate content issues and accusations of cloaking. Duplicate content may lead to penalties from search engines, and cloaking refers to presenting different content to search engines and users.

By using responsive design and maintaining consistent content across devices, you can avoid these issues and provide a transparent browsing experience to your users.

Test for duplicate content and cloaking-minTest for duplicate content and cloaking

Read More: 11 Mobile Popup Best Practices to Skyrocket Conversions

10 Types of Mobile Popups that Convert

Let’s check out some mobile popup examples that have a better chance of conversion:

1. Exit-intent Popups

These popups appear just as a user is about to leave your site, displaying a compelling offer or message to entice them to stay. Whether it’s a discount code, a limited-time promotion, or an invitation to join a loyalty program, mobile exit-intent popups give you one final chance to capture the user’s attention and convert them.

Purpose: The major benefit of these popups is that they retain potential customers and boost conversions by providing tempting incentives at the right moment of exit.

Exit-intent Popups

2. Timed popups

Timed popups are triggered after a certain period of time, typically when a user has been on a page for a set amount of seconds or minutes. This type of popup ensures that visitors have had enough time to engage with your content before presenting them with a strategic message or offer that encourages them to take action.

Purpose: These popups are beneficial since they engage visitors effectively by delivering targeted messages or offers after they’ve spent a meaningful amount of time on your site.

Timed popups

3. Scroll-triggered popups

These popups appear when a user has scrolled down to a specific point on a page. By leveraging user engagement and behavior, scroll-triggered popups can be used to highlight relevant products, promote special offers, or prompt users to sign up for a newsletter or subscribe to your content.

Purpose: Scroll-triggered popups capture user attention at the right moment of interest, increasing the likelihood of them responding positively to the displayed content.

Scroll-triggered popups

4. Welcome popups

Welcome popups are displayed to visitors as soon as they arrive on your site. They can be used to provide a warm introduction to your brand, share important information, collect email addresses for newsletters, or offer a special discount or promotion to new users to encourage them to explore your site further.

Purpose: With welcome popups, you can create a positive first impression and initiate user engagement from the moment they land on your site.

Welcome popups

Image Source: Getresponse

5. Gamified popups

Gamified popups add an element of playfulness and engagement to the user experience. By incorporating interactive games, quizzes, or lucky wheels, they offer a fun and enjoyable way for users to interact with your brand while encouraging them to take a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service.

Purpose: Gamified popups enhance user engagement and interaction by making the experience entertaining, resulting in increased brand affinity and conversions.

Gamified popups

Image Source: TrueThemes

6. Coupon popups

Coupon popups display exclusive discounts, special offers, or coupon codes to users. The allure of saving money can significantly increase conversions and incentivize visitors to make a purchase or take advantage of a limited-time deal.

Purpose: These popups boost conversion rates by appealing to the consumer’s desire for savings and providing a tangible incentive to make a purchase.

Coupon popups

7. Video popups

Video popups utilize the power of visual storytelling. By displaying a video showcasing your products, services, or brand story, you can capture the attention of users and effectively deliver your message while increasing engagement and conversions.

Purpose: Video popups convey your brand message more effectively through visual content, increasing user engagement and understanding.

Video popups

8. Social proof popups

Social proof popups leverage testimonials, reviews, ratings, or social media interactions to build trust and credibility with visitors. By showcasing positive feedback from satisfied customers, you can alleviate any doubts or concerns and encourage users to take action.

Purpose: These popups help you establish trust and credibility by showcasing positive user experiences, ultimately influencing purchasing decisions and fostering a positive perception of your brand.

Social proof popups

Image Source: Drip

Also read: 12 Best Social Proof Apps to Boost Sales

9. Feedback popups

Feedback popups are designed to gather valuable insights from users. By asking for feedback, opinions, or suggestions, you can gain a better understanding of your audience’s needs and preferences, ultimately improving your products, services, or website to meet their expectations.

Purpose: These popups help you gain actionable insights to enhance user experience and tailor your offerings based on direct input from your audience.

Feedback popups

Image Source: Rapidr

10. Lead magnet popups

Lead magnet popups offer valuable content, such as ebooks, whitepapers, or exclusive guides, to visitors in exchange for their email addresses. This allows you to build your email list, nurture leads, and establish a direct line of communication for future marketing efforts.

Purpose: These popups can assist in building a targeted email list and establish a connection with potential customers by providing valuable content in exchange for their contact information.

Lead magnet popups

Read More: 25 Effective Lead Magnet Ideas to Boost Conversions in 2024

How to Create a Mobile Popup

Watch this video tutorial on how you can create a popup using Picreel:

Let’s see a step-by-step process of creating mobile popups in Picreel to help you get a better idea:

1. Go to log in and click on “Campaigns” from the left-side menu.

New Campaign

2. Click on the dropdown arrow next to “New campaign” from the top right corner. You can pick from a pre-built template or create your own campaign from scratch.

New Campaign create from scratch

3. Next, choose the type of popup you want to create from the template menu. For best results on mobile, Picreel already has some mobile-specific popup templates.

choose the type of popup

4. Customize a design according to your preferences. You can change the layout, design, fields and text, options, banner settings, and fonts, and even customize it with the available data.

customize popup

5. Enter the URL of the website you want to target and choose to display your popups on the entire site or specific pages.

Campaign settings targeting

6. Click on “Settings” at the top of the popup preview and go to “Device Type.” You will find a dropdown containing different types of devices. Select “Mobile” on this.

Device Type

7. Click “Save” to activate your popup.

Ready to Create a Mobile Popup?

Implementing mobile popups can be a powerful strategy to boost conversions and engage with your website visitors.

However, it’s important to follow best practices to ensure a positive user experience. You can consider factors such as timing, relevance, and value when designing your popups to get the best results.

You can go for a popular tool such as Picreel popup builder. It has a user-friendly platform with features like a drag-and-drop editor, customizable design templates, advanced targeting options, A/B testing, and integration with popular marketing platforms. It can help you create and optimize mobile popups to maximize conversions and engage with their target audience.

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About the author

Daniel Nicholes shares insights about CRO, persuasive marketing, exit-intent strategies, and using nudges to capture consumer behavior insights with the goal of enhancing user experience. Daniel writes about CRO methods, including landing page optimization, site intercept surveys, popups, and how to optimize the complete customer journey. Daniel actively contributes to industry discussions, offering actionable & practical advice for experience optimization.