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Best Popup Ad Templates to Elevate Your Engagement and Conversions

Best Popup Ad Templates to Elevate Your Engagement and Conversions

What’s the first thought you have when you see a popup?



Or depends on the mood?

Well, whatever you might think when you view a popup, you must know that the average popup conversion rate on websites is just 11.09%.

But with the arrival of some eye-catching popup templates, popups are no longer those mundane form-filling types that prompt visitors to press that cross button without even a second thought.

Here are a few examples of some of the most exciting pop up ad templates that not only promise user engagement but can also foster conversions.

Let’s check them out.

Best Popup Ad Templates

Popup Templates That Supercharge Subscriber Growth

These popup templates are eye-catching and persuasive designs for website popups. They grab visitors’ attention, offer enticing incentives like discounts or freebies, and make it easy for users to subscribe to your email list.

These templates drive higher conversion rates, helping your business rapidly expand its subscriber base and build a strong customer relationship.

Engaging Conversational Popups

These popups are like a friendly chat with your website visitors. They help engage and interact with your audience, making your website more personable.

They can be used for answering questions, offering assistance, or simply starting a conversation.

Engaging Conversational Popups

(Image Source: vwo)

List Growth Ebooks Popup

These can be a clever way to grow your email list. They offer valuable eBooks in exchange for visitors’ email addresses.

It’s almost always a win-win because your audience gets great content, and you build your subscriber list.

List Growth Ebooks Popup

(Image Source: Qualzz)

Conversion-boosting spin wheel Popups

Imagine a digital spin-the-wheel game. These popups add a gamified element to your site, enticing visitors to try their luck.

They can win discounts, freebies, or special offers, boosting conversion rates and making interactions fun.

Conversion-boosting spin wheel Popups

(Image Source: storyblok)

Multistep Popups for Customer Data

These popups break down data collection into easy, user-friendly steps.

Visitors are guided through a series of questions or forms, making it less overwhelming and increasing the likelihood of getting valuable customer information.

Multistep Popups for Customer Data

(Image Source: WordPress)

Email option through subscription popups

This is a classic, effective way to gather email subscribers. These popup banner templates prompt visitors to subscribe to your newsletters or updates. It’s a direct path to building your email list and keeping your audience informed.

Email option through subscription popups

(Image Source: GetResponse)

Popup Templates for Sales Surge: Drive Conversions Effectively

These popup templates are visually appealing designs used to boost e-commerce and online sales. They are strategically placed on websites to engage visitors, showcase special offers or promotions, and encourage immediate purchases.

These templates create a sense of urgency, effectively driving conversions and revenue growth by enticing customers with compelling deals and limited-time incentives.

Countdown Timers for Urgency

You can create a buzz with countdown timers! These popups add a sense of urgency, pushing visitors to make a quick decision. Whether it’s a limited-time offer or a sale ending soon, these timers help boost conversions effectively by lighting a fire under your potential buyers.

Countdown Timers for Urgency

(Image Source: getshogun)

Free Shipping Sidemessage Popups

Shout out your generous free shipping policy with sidemessage popups. Shoppers love this perk, and a popup highlighting it can be the final nudge they need to make a purchase. It’s all about sweetening the deal and driving more sales your way.

Free Shipping Sidemessage Popups

(Image Source: tadpull)

Social Proof Popups for Sales

People tend to follow the crowd, and that’s where social proof popups come in. They display real-time notifications of recent purchases, reviews, or testimonials. When visitors see others making purchases, it builds trust and drives conversions effectively.

Social Proof Popups for Sales

(Image Source: drip)

Read More: 12 Best Social Proof Apps to Boost Sales

Product Recommendation Popups

Personalization is key to driving sales. These popups suggest products based on a visitor’s browsing history or preferences. It’s like having a virtual shopping assistant, guiding customers to products they’re more likely to buy, enhancing their shopping experience.

Product Recommendation Popups

(Image Source: serpstat)

Read More: Product Recommendations: Top 15 Examples and Tactics All Experts Swear By

Holiday-Themed Sales Popups

Inject the holiday spirit into your sales strategy with festive popups. Whether it’s Christmas, Halloween, or any special occasion, these themed popups create a sense of celebration, offering special discounts or promotions that resonate with your audience and boost holiday sales.

Holiday-Themed Sales Popups

(Image Source: gorgias)

Popup Templates for Mastering Feedback Collection

These templates are strategically placed on websites to prompt visitors to share their opinions, suggestions, and experiences. They often include easy-to-use forms and engaging visuals to encourage participation.

By using these templates, you can gather crucial feedback, improve products or services, and build stronger relationships with your audience through active listening and responsiveness

First-time Buyer Referral Popups

These popups are like friendly nudges for your new customers. They encourage first-time buyers to spread the word about your business, helping you gather referrals and expand your customer base. So if your customers get a good experience, you can use them to get more customers!

First-time Buyer Referral Popups

(Image Source: storyblok)

Exit-Intent Customer Feedback Popups

You can consider exit-intent popups as virtual suggestion boxes that pop up when someone’s about to leave your website. They kindly ask for feedback, helping you understand why visitors are leaving and how to improve their experience. This can definitely make them stay a bit longer.

Exit-Intent Customer Feedback Popups

(Image Source: Personyze)

Reason for Abandoned Cart Popup

These popups are like Sherlock Holmes for your abandoned carts. They pop up to ask customers why they left without completing their purchase. A lot of customers would offer instant feedback on this and you can use it to create better checkout experiences.

Reason for Abandoned Cart Popup

(Image Source: WordPress plugins)

Visitor Behavior Insights Popup

You can consider these as your website’s tour guide. They appear to share insights on how visitors interact with your site. These popups can display data like page views, click-through rates, or demographics. This information can help you understand your audience’s behavior, allowing for data-driven decisions and more targeted marketing strategies.

Visitor Behavior Insights Popup

(Image Source: mailerlite)

NPS Popups for Quick Feedback

NPS stands for Net Promoter Score, and these popups are like speed surveys. They ask customers how likely they are to recommend your business. They also help businesses gauge customer sentiment, identify areas for improvement, and track their brand’s promoters and detractors.

NPS Popups for Quick Feedback

(Image Source: refiner)

Read More: Popups for Feedback: Get To Know Your Customers

Popup Templates for Re-engagement of Returning Visitors

These popup templates are like smart designs aimed at bringing back previous website users. They are strategically placed to catch the attention of returning visitors and entice them with personalized offers, content recommendations, or exclusive promotions.

These templates remind users of your brand’s value, encouraging them to re-engage, make additional purchases, or interact with your content, ultimately increasing retention and rekindling their interest in your website or products.

Introduce New Products to Loyal Visitors

This is a kind of tool that helps you present your latest offerings to your loyal website visitors. With these popup templates, you can catch their attention and keep them in the loop about your new products, making them feel valued and informed.

Introduce New Products to Loyal Visitors

(Image Source: Shopify)

Re-Engagement Popups for Returning Visitors

These popups are like a warm welcome-back hug for your returning visitors! Use them to rekindle the connection with your audience, whether it’s through special offers or content reminders. Keep your website on their radar with engaging re-engagement popups.

Re-Engagement Popups for Returning Visitors

(Image Source: Dribbble)

User Survey Popups for Personalization

Wish to offer a personalized experience? These popups are your secret weapon to collect valuable insights. Ask your visitors for feedback, preferences, or suggestions to tailor their experience. Create a more personalized and user-centric website using these survey popups.

User Survey Popups for Personalization

(Image Source: Storyblok)

Do Popups Sound Interesting Now?

So you would have witnessed that popups on websites need not be boring to send the visitor searching for that Close button.With the above smart templates, you can captivate your visitors, entice them with tempting offers, and collect valuable feedback effortlessly.

Besides, by using visually appealing, strategically placed popups from credible platforms such as Picreel, you’re not just grabbing your audience’s attention – you’re forging a stronger connection with them. It’s about meeting your visitors where they are in their customer journey and providing them with what they need at the right moment.

Learn More About Popup Templates

How do I choose the right popup template for my website?

Choosing the right popup template for your website involves considering your specific goals. Start by defining your objectives, like collecting email addresses or promoting a sale. Look for templates that align with your brand’s design and message. Pay attention to user-friendliness and the template’s customization options. Select a template that best fits your needs and resonates with your target audience.

Are these popup templates mobile-responsive?

Yes, many popup templates are designed to be mobile-responsive. Look for templates that explicitly mention mobile responsiveness to ensure a seamless user experience across devices. Test the templates on various screen sizes to confirm they adapt well to mobile devices, ensuring your popups look great, and function properly on smartphones and tablets.

Watch: Setting up a mobile campaign

Do I need coding skills to customize these popup templates?

Coding skills aren’t always necessary to customize popup templates. Many templates offer user-friendly, drag-and-drop editors for easy customization. However, having basic HTML and CSS knowledge can be advantageous for more advanced tweaks. If coding isn’t your forte, you can typically achieve your desired customizations using the template’s built-in options and settings.

Watch: How to Create Popup Ads with Picreel

Do these popup templates work with all website platforms?

Popup templates can be compatible with most website platforms, but it’s crucial to verify their compatibility with your specific platform. Popular platforms like WordPress, Shopify, and Wix often have many compatible templates. Check the template’s documentation or ask the provider if it’s compatible with your chosen platform to ensure a smooth integration.

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About the author

Daniel Nicholes shares insights about CRO, persuasive marketing, exit-intent strategies, and using nudges to capture consumer behavior insights with the goal of enhancing user experience. Daniel writes about CRO methods, including landing page optimization, site intercept surveys, popups, and how to optimize the complete customer journey. Daniel actively contributes to industry discussions, offering actionable & practical advice for experience optimization.