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7 Examples of Personalized Popups for Engagement and Conversions

7 Examples of Personalized Popups for Engagement and Conversions

Do generic popups seem like a shot in the dark?

If yes, then you need to up your popup game.


Personalized popups are the answer!

According to recent stats, 60% of customers say they’ll become repeat consumers after a personalized shopping experience. Furthermore, McKinsey says companies that personalize right will likely get 40% more revenue.

Personalized popups let you tailor messages for each user, making them feel special and tended to. However, they don’t stop there! They enhance engagement and conversions too.

But won’t personalized popups be a pain to set up and manage? No! Because with modern tools and platforms like Picreel, creating and deploying customized popups has never been easier.

So, if you’re ready to boost your conversion rates and show your users some love, join me as we explore the world of personalized popups. Your users will thank you (and your bottom line will, too)!

What Are Personalized Popups?

Personalized popups are targeted popups tailored to each customer’s preferences, browsing history, behaviors, demographics, and intents. They can be used to enhance engagement and boost conversion rate.

These popups reach customers at the right time, comprehend their needs and preferences, and entice them to take action and move down your sales funnel.

Why Personalized Popups Matter?

Personalized popups can have tons of benefits for both your business and website visitors. Let’s take a look at some of them:

Boosted Engagement and Conversions

Personalized popups are the secret sauce for increased engagement and click-through rates.

For your business, personalized popups are the key to unlocking higher engagement rates with your users. By tailoring your messaging to each individual user, you can grab their attention and persuade them to take action.

Whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or downloading a whitepaper, personalized popups make it easy for your users to say “Yes!” to your calls to action.

Increased Engagement and Click-Through Rates

And for your website visitors, personalized popups mean a more seamless and enjoyable experience.

Say goodbye to annoying, irrelevant popups that feel like a waste of time. With personalized popups, your visitors get the content they want, when they want it. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

More Targeted Messaging = Better Sales

Are you tired of throwing popups at your website visitors like spaghetti at the wall, hoping something will stick?

There’s a better way – personalized popups!

These handy little tools are the key to boosting conversions and sales through targeted messaging. And let’s face it, who doesn’t want more sales?

Boosting Conversions and Sales Through Targeted Messaging

Personalized popups allow you to target your users with messaging that speaks directly to their interests, behaviors, and needs. By tailoring your popups to each user, you can entice them to take action and move further down your funnel.

And isn’t that the ultimate goal of marketing? Turning browsers into buyers?

But the benefits of personalized popups don’t stop there. By providing a more personalized and relevant experience for your website visitors, you can build trust and loyalty with your brand. And that can lead to repeat business and referrals.

Enhanced User Experience

Being bombarded with popups that are totally irrelevant to your interests is like being stuck in a bad blind date – awkward, uncomfortable, and just plain frustrating.

But fear not because personalized popups are here to save the day (and your user experience)!

Personalized popups are the key to enhancing the user experience on your website. By tailoring your messaging to each individual user, you can provide a more relevant and personalized experience.

Enhancing the User Experience Through Personalized Popups

And let’s face it, who doesn’t love feeling seen, heard, and understood?

By providing a more personalized experience, you can also boost engagement and conversions. Users are more likely to take action when they feel like you’re speaking directly to them, and that can translate into more signups, purchases, and downloads.

Increased Customer Loyalty and Brand Trust

Personalized popups are more than just a tool to boost engagement and conversions – they’re a way to build customer loyalty and brand trust.

By providing a more personalized and relevant experience for your users, you show them that you understand their needs and value their time. And that can go a long way in building trust and loyalty with your brand.

Personalized popups also allow you to communicate with your users in a more targeted and effective way.

Building Customer Loyalty and Brand Trust

By tailoring your messaging to each individual user, you can provide them with content and offers that are truly valuable to them. And when users feel like they’re getting real value from your brand, they’re more likely to stick around and become loyal customers.

Read More - How to Use OnSite Retargeting to Boost Sales & Conversions

Creative & Personalized Popup Examples for Ultimate Engagement

Let’s take a look at some of the most creative and inspiring personalized popup examples:

Email Signup Popup

Email signup popups are common on almost every website. They can be highly effective in building the foundation of your long-lasting relationships with your customers. Your signup popups should be tailored to the specific page they are on. This way, you can offer exclusive incentives to your customers based on the product.

Let’s talk about UrbanKissed‘s email signup popup because they’ve done it right! This personalized popup is a masterclass in creativity and effectiveness.

Email Signup Popup

First off, the CTA button is of contrasting color that demands attention and practically screams, “Click me!” And when you do, you’re rewarded with a sweet 5% discount. It’s like a little gift for signing up, and who doesn’t love gifts?

This personalization is also effective because of the phrases used—for example, “Yes Babe” as a CTA speaks to the customer super conversationally, building a personal bond. On top of that, they are calling their customer “Conscious Angels,” which is a huge deal-maker!

Welcome-Back Popup

Welcome-back popups are an excellent way to re-engage with your customers over past purchases and encourage them to buy more from your brand. By acknowledging and welcoming back your customers, you tell them they are valued, and their support is encouraged.

Here is an example of a website personalization popup to welcome back visitors made on Picreel.

Welcome Back Popup

This is a mind-blowing example of a welcome-back popup. The pink and white combination creates a soft feminine aesthetic likely to appeal to “Susie—a female customer.” Plus, the “15%” offer is quite generous to make the customer buy from you again.

Another personalized aspect of this template is acknowledging and validating what the customer bought, reassuring them about their choices.

Referral Popup

Personalized referral popups are like digital high-fives to your customers. You are virtually telling them that they are your brand ambassadors. These customers will be your secret whisperers, telling their loved ones how much they love your brand.

Referral Popup

This Allbirds referral example is humanistic and personalized. The way they ask, “Love the Planet?” makes you feel like a part of a collective community. Moreover, the $15 incentive is quite generous for building a referral network. Overall, the friendly look and feel of the popup seem pretty personalized.

Similar Products Popup

Personalized “similar products” popups are pretty relevant in today’s times when people are too quick to abandon a cart. The person buying from you feels more attached to your brand because they get options tailored to their choices. It makes their browsing experience more enjoyable and increases the chances of them returning to you.

Similar Products Popups

In this example, you can clearly see that the brand is using first-name basis to personalize the popup. The popup is stopping the customer at a critical moment to show them that we have gathered some nice products tailored to customer’s choices. Moreover, “for your glowing skin” also boosts the customer’s confidence about their skin, making them more attached to your brand and likely to buy the similar products.

Cross-sell or Upsell Popup

Website personalization popups for cross-selling and upselling are crucial for enhancing customer experience and business performance. They show customers you understand their needs and preferences, making them feel more attached to your brand. Moreover, timely and targeted offers reduce cart abandonment by motivating customers to complete their purchases.

Cross-sell or Upsell Popup

In the example above, the recommended product is completely relevant to the primary purchase of candles. This makes the suggestion valuable to the customer. There’s a simple and persuasive message in the popup, making the customer believe that the product they are buying would be incomplete without the recommended one. The popup also creates an urgency by offering a special price deal if you buy the combo. This popup is a strong example of personalization in cross-selling and upselling.

Cart Abandonment Popup

By tailoring the popup to specific items added to the cart, you entice the customer not to leave empty-handed. Rather, you address their personal preferences and offer a reward for them, making the customer feel valued. This approach not only reduces the cart abandonment rate but also contributes to greater brand loyalty.

Cart Abandonment Popup

In this example, the number of items and the customer’s name evidently personalize the tone of the popup. Furthermore, it offers a bonus 10% discount to the customer, allowing them to buy what they like at a lower price. Plus, calling your customer “good lookin’” will increase their confidence and bring a smile to their face, boosting your brand’s recall value.

Exit Intent Popup

Personalized popups for exit intent can be a great strategic tool designed to engage customers at a critical point when they are about to leave the website. By detecting subtle cues and intentions of exiting, these popups offer a final incentivizing opportunity to capture your customers’ attention and engage them with exclusive offers.

Exit Intent Popup

The example above clearly showcases a personalized approach when the customer is planning to leave the website. When the visitor’s cursor approaches the back button, the popup appears, providing a 10% discount on their order if they decide to stay on the site. The promotion is activated only after the customer adds an item to their cart and initiates the check-out process. Not only does this popup talk to the customer on a first-name basis, but it also focuses on the user’s recent activities.

Read More - 36 Winning Exit Intent Popup Examples to Boost Website Conversions

Mastering Personalized Popups: Tailoring, Timing, Testing

Here are three tips for crafting effective personalized popups that will engage your audience, drive conversions, and boost your bottom line.


The key to a successful personalized popup is tailoring it to your audience. What are their interests and pain points? What stage of the customer journey are they in?

By understanding your audience’s needs, you can create a personalized popup that resonates with them and prompts action. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your messaging, design, and incentives – the more tailored your popup, the more likely your audience will engage with it.


Timing is everything when it comes to personalized popups. You want to catch your audience’s attention when they’re most receptive to your message. Use data to determine when your audience is most active and engaged with your site and trigger your custom popups accordingly.

Whether it’s on exit intent, after a certain amount of time on the site, or when a specific action is taken, the timing of your popup can make all the difference in its effectiveness.


Last but not least, testing is crucial for crafting effective personalized popups. Don’t assume that your first popup design or messaging will be the most effective – test different variations to see what works best for your audience.

A/B testing can help you determine which elements of your popup are most effective, whether it’s the copy, design, or incentive. By constantly testing and optimizing your personalization popups, you can ensure that they’re driving the highest engagement and conversions possible.

How to Create Popup Ads With Picreel

Creating a popup on Picreel is super easy, super quick, and cost-effective. You only need to follow these five steps:

1. Sign up on Picreel and start your campaign

Sign up on Picreel

2. Choose a template from the available templates.

Pick a Suitable Template for Your Campaign

3. Edit your popup using elements and images.

Edit your popup

4. Set triggers and targeting for different audiences

Set up Targeting Options

5. Integrate the popup with your website


Looking for a visual way to understand how each step works? Sure! Check this video –

How to Measure Success & Optimize Personalized Popups

If you’re investing time and resources into creating personalized popups, you’ll want to ensure they achieve your desired outcomes. That’s where tracking metrics and optimizing your popups come into play.

First, it’s essential to identify the key metrics you want to track to measure the success of your custom popups. Common metrics include conversion rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates.

Once you know what metrics to track, you can use tools like Google Analytics, Semrush or other tracking software to monitor your popup’s performance and see how it’s affecting your overall website performance.

Tracking Metrics and Optimizing Personalized Popups

Image Source: Semrush

The next step is to optimize your popups based on the data you collect. Testing different variations of your popups can help you understand what works best for your target audience. It’s essential to test one element at a time, such as the copy, CTA button, or timing, to ensure you can measure the impact of each change accurately.

When testing, it’s also important to consider the frequency of your popups. While personalization popups can be effective in driving conversions and sales, overusing them can lead to frustration and decreased engagement.

So, it’s crucial to strike a balance and determine the optimal frequency based on your target audience and the website’s overall performance.

Boost Engagement and Conversions With Personalized Popups

Personalized popups can change the way you engage with your customers. They are a proven way of boosting conversions and keeping customers loyal. Leveraging behavioral data for targeted and personalized content can boost your conversion rates by 10%. With little tweaks here and there, you can create popups that resonate with your customers and encourage them to take action.

If you are looking to improve your website’s engagement and conversions, tools like Picreel can be a great choice. It offers various features that enable businesses to create and customize personalization popups to their liking.

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About the author

Picreel Editorial Team is a passionate group of CRO and eCommerce experts dedicated to delivering top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your customer engagement and lead generation initiatives.