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10+ Best Cart Abandonment Software for Generating Higher Revenue in 2024

10+ Best Cart Abandonment Software for Generating Higher Revenue in 2024

People visit your website, add products to the carts, and then leave without making a purchase. This isn’t just but also a waste of your marketing efforts. 

Cart Abandonment also signifies that the user is willing to make a purchase and needs that final nudge. For this nudge, there are several cart abandonment software on the market. However, marketers need to compare the various applications and find the one that matches their requirements.

This post will focus on everything related to cart abandonment. We will cover: 

  • Definition and causes of cart abandonment
  • Our top 10 picks of cart abandonment solutions to increase conversions
  • Tips for choosing the best cart abandonment software for your needs

Use the information to improve the revenue of your company.

Definition of Cart Abandonment

Cart abandonment refers to visitors leaving the website without purchasing the products in the cart.

The major distinction here is that there are items in the cart. Other visitors might check out the products but not add anything to the cart. They are not as far along in the sales funnel. Cart abandoners are closer to making a purchase, and hence companies need to provide incentives to gain the sale.

Cart abandonment is also known as basket abandonment.

Why Are Carts Abandoned?

As per a Forbes article, in select industries, the average cart abandonment rate comes out to be 88.05%.

People can abandon carts for a variety of reasons. While some aspects are under our control, others are not. Hence, marketers must ensure minimal issues with the website interface and a smoother procedure for purchases.

The primary Reasons for Cart Abandonment are – 

  1. Complicated or long checkouts: Checkouts should always be easy and quick. If they are too long or excessively complex, the users might opt to go. 
  2. Extra Costs: Being upfront about your charges is essential for conversions. Your customers look at the price and agree to it before adding it to the cart. However, potential customers might opt to leave if there are additional charges.
  3. Account creation prompting: Gathering information about users through their accounts on your website is easy and simple. But, if you make it mandatory for users to create an account before purchasing, it elongates the process, discouraging the users from making purchases. Hence, you should allow guest checkouts.
  4. Slow Delivery: Amazon has set very high standards of shipping time among users. Hence, if your company does not promise delivery in days, users may leave the site. Ensure that you can offer delivery in a reasonable time and adhere to it.
  5. Total cost isn’t clear: One of the major repellers of purchases is the lack of clarity in total cost. Taxes, delivery charges, and in the case of international shipping, export charges are some additional charges that may apply. However, you need to be upfront about these charges and give a definite number. Otherwise, people will leave.

Why Are Carts Abandoned

Image Source: Baymard

List of Top 10 Cart Abandonment Software in 2024

1) Picreel

Picreel Dashboard

Picreel is an exit-intent popup application made to reduce cart abandonment

There is a range of features in the application to encourage users to stay. Moreover, Picreel can help record and analyze the data from your users to improve overall strategies.

Use it to gather the information you need to send emails and other push notifications to engage your users till they make a purchase.

Picreel also integrates with several major eCommerce platforms for a smooth experience.


  1. Lead Management: Picreel helps acquire and manage leads till they make a purchase. The tool uses popups to guide the customer through the sales funnel.
  2. Email Management: Collect contact data of your customers through lead magnet popups. Then, transfer the data to a CRM for personalized targeting with email marketing.
  3. Audience Targeting: Messaging to the customers must match their journey in the sales funnel. Create a range of popups and show them at the right time with audience targeting. 
  4. Activity Tracking: Picreel also helps track users’ activities on the website. Activity targeting helps the application decide when to show specific popups, including exit-intent popups.
  5. A/B Testing: Compare the results of similar but not identical popups to find what works better with A/B testing. The comparison tool helps create better copies and CTA buttons for more conversions.


Apart from the several features of the tool, its primary selling point is its lack of effect on the website’s speed. I saw no change in loading speed with the application.


The editor can become overwhelming if you are new to editing and designing popups. While the possibilities are infinite when designing popups, understanding the editing tool will take some time.


Free plan for up to 5,000 visitors/month. Paid plan starts at $9.99/month. Billed annually.

2) AppJetty


Commercexpand is a combination of 28+ vital apps that focus on reducing cart abandonment rates and enhancing customer experience. 

It has apps like Sticky Add to Cart, Favicon Cart Count that reduces cart abandonment by either showing buttons to buy the product or the numbers of items lying in the cart.

CX includes abandoned cart management apps that send customized emails of products in their cart. Moreover, it has apps to help you engage customers, make your Shopify store more presentable, and grow your business. 

All these apps help you streamline your workflow, and manage your store efficiently.


  1. Store Management: CommerceXpand has apps that can add features like bulk editing, product bundles, alerts when a product is back in stock, image and SEO optimization, etc., to your store. 
  2. Sales Management: A way to increase sales is by reducing card abandonment, offering discounts and features that intrigue users to purchase fast. CX adds features like volume discount, quick buy, countdown timer, and abandoned cart management that can help increase sales.
  3. Marketing Tools: To gain and maintain visibility in the market, marketing the product is a necessity. CX helps in adding features like recently viewed products, product reviews, and announcement bars that would add quick marketing features to your Shopify store.


They have apps to help you streamline your management as well as enhance the customer experience. 


The product is pretty simple to use, and we did not find any significant feedback as of now.


CommerceXpand is free to install.

3) Rejoiner


Rejoiner is an eCommerce email marketing platform, but it can also work for several other types of businesses online.

The application helps pinpoint the step where the users abandoned the purchase process. You can use the tool to create different strategies to recover these customers.

Send an email containing the products customers left in the cart. Moreover, invest time in win-back campaigns for customers who haven’t visited your website in some time.


  1. A/B testing of emails: Test the variety of emails on their success rate to create better copies every day.
  2. Segment the audience: Segregate the audience based on their purchasing habits, onsite behaviors, and other demographics for better targeting.
  3. Built-in & Custom Triggers: Either choose built-in triggers or custom create one for email campaigns. You are in control of when and to whom to send specific emails.
  4. Frequency Capping: One customer can come to your website several times a day. Control the send cap by trigger or customer


The flexibility and ability to trigger responses for very specific events set the tool apart. 


Their email marketing solutions can become challenging to manage. They come bundled in a year-long contract.


Rejoiner has a pay-per-contact system. For up to 1000 contacts, you only need to pay $25 per month. As the number of contacts increases, the price also increases. Rejoiner Growth is another plan that starts at $695 per month for up to 50,000 contacts.

4) Drip


Drip is among the cart abandonment recovery tools that focus on SMS and email marketing. If users leave your website, they are unlikely to return without a catalyst. Here, target users through different channels using Drip SMS and email marketing campaigns.

Use the application to create and deploy multichannel campaigns to get more conversions.


  1. Multichannel Campaigns: Drip does not limit you to one source. Contact your customers with items in their cart through various channels to ensure visibility and conversions.
  2. On-Site Popups: Drip also offers resources to create on-site popups and forms to connect with potential and existing customers.
  3. Multiple Integrations: 100 plus integrations are available on the application to help reduce the overall time spent on management work.
  4. Precise Targeting: Target the audience by using the customer data from the eCommerce store. Target the users using their history of purchases, browsing history, and other clicks on the store.


It is among the more affordable options online. As an automation tool with the ability to schedule emails, it is very helpful in keeping leads engaged and getting conversions.


It is among the more complicated tools to understand. The array of features and change of name-value with numbers at the backend can cause issues for people who are not as tech-savvy.


Drip offers flexible pricing based on the total number of contacts. Up to 2500 contacts on the email list will cost $39 per month. For more contacts, the pricing will vary.

5) CartStack

shopping cart abandonment

CartStack is a multi-channel shopping cart abandonment application that enables companies to reach customers at various places. Use it to send push notifications, SMS reminders, email reminders, etc.

Moreover, it has a range of integrations. The integrations help the application seamlessly integrate into your marketing strategies and get results.

Automate the process of recovering lost customers and abandoned cart sales with CartStack.


  1. Built-in Recovery Campaigns: The plug-and-play-ready recovery campaigns are also available on CartStack.
  2. Ready-Made Templates for emails: Use the drag-and-drop email builder to create new email templates in a matter of minutes. It comes with a simple cart item customization. 
  3. Multiple Integrations: Integrate other tools related to marketing strategies with the tool to improve conversions.
  4. On-Site Retention Tools: CartStack is equipped with retention tools like exit-intent messaging to encourage users to stay and make a purchase. Or at least offer their contact details for further communication. 


The work reports of the tool are effective and concise. Also, their customer support is always ready to help.


The tracking system needs improvement. In some search engines, it does not work. Also, it does require a more intuitive email editor.


The basic plan starts at $29 every month. Other plans include a pro plan at $49/month and an agency plan at $149/month.

6) OptiMonk


OptiMonk relies on offering discounts if the customers try to leave to make them stay and complete the purchase. 

Moreover, you can offer the ‘Save the Cart’ option to get their email address and remind them to make the purchase.

OptiMonk aims to reduce the guesswork in lead conversions. Learn more about the website visitors to create more engaging campaigns with OptiMonk.


  1. Responsive Templates: Create responsive templates of popups for your website. It helps engage the clients and get more conversions.
  2. Drag-and-Drop Editor: The easy-to-use editor comes with the drag-and-drop feature. Create engaging popups in no time at all.
  3. Cart-based Targeting: Target the users based on the products already in their cart. Remind the existing customer about the products already in the basket. Moreover, if specific items go together, you can pitch for a new product. 
  4. Gather Leads: Create an extensive list of existing and potential customers with OptiMonk. Use popups to gather relevant information and have channels to communicate with users.


The live chat option and number of templates make it an excellent tool.


HTML/CSS integrations are not practical, and the analytics option needs improvement.


It costs nothing for up to 15,000 page views for one domain and creates unlimited campaigns. It can reach up to $249 per month.

7) PushEngage


PushEngage is a push notification software that sends cart abandonment reminders through notifications. The application integrates with Shopify, WordPress, and other eCommerce platforms.

It is among the eCommerce abandonment recovery tools that offer personalized push notifications. It contains names and other personal attributes to get users’ attention. Moreover, you can add further information like location, language, and other details.


  1. Automatic Drip Campaign: Set up an automated drip campaign of push notifications to convert subscribers into paying customers.
  2. A/B Testing: Experiment with the various elements to unlock the full potential of push notifications and exit-intent popups.
  3. Dynamic Segmentation: Segment the audience with appropriate targeting to maximize results. 
  4. Goal tracking & Analytics: The application dashboard shows all the actionable data to make future marketing decisions.


Their customer service is good, and you can customize the messages to be more personalized.


Their pricing can change without any notification. Also, there are delays in the push notifications.


The tool offers a free plan with limited features. The paid plan starts at $9/month and can reach up to $49 per month.

8) Privy


Privy consists of several features to recover abandoned carts. Use the tool to deploy cart abandonment popups and send automated emails if the visitors leave without making a purchase.

The application has three main modules – Privy Convert, Privy Email, and Privy Text. The text module makes it unique as they are more engaging and get more views. 


  1. A/B Testing: Test popups and other conversion features with A/B Testing. Use the results from testing to achieve better results.
  2. Content Personalization: Personalize the content of popups, texts, and emails to give a personal touch.
  3. Automated Lifecycle Emails: Automate the process of email lifecycle. It includes creating a campaign that sends relevant emails after specific activities and other follow-ups.
  4. Consistent Web & Mobile Version: The tool offers consistent notifications for both mobile and desktop use.


They have beautiful and customizable templates to match your website. Moreover, it serves multiple functions, including email and SMS marketing.


You cannot find information regarding the source URL from where Sigh-ups are coming. Also, you need to duplicate lists manually.


Privy plans start at $0 per month and can reach up to $45 per month.

9) Convertful


Convertful, as the name suggests, is a cart abandonment software that aims to convert users into paying customers. The tool helps create social subscription popups, quiz funnels, segmentation surveys, etc. 

Use it to create effective signup forms and other widgets to cater to different audience segments.

Use a variety of rules to target visitors effectively and get real-time analytics of visitor preferences. 


  1. 100+ Starting Templates: These templates are based on other successful campaigns. So, users can trust the effectiveness of the templates available on the application. Yes/no welcome mats, segmentation surveys, cart abandonment popups, etc., are available to users.
  2. Drag-&-Drop Editor: The drag-&-drop editor comes with unlimited form fields, customizable styles, layouts, and positioning. You can also tinker with adjustable animations to create eye-catching forms.
  3. Mobile-friendly: You get automatic mobile designs, previews, and the option to fine-tune it. Moreover, you can opt for mobile targeting wherever relevant.
  4. Targeting Rules: Target users as per their activity on the website. Create separate popups for exit intent, inactivity, time spent on a page, page scroll, and other factors. The targeting rules can consider behavior, visit the source, history, technology, geography, etc.


As someone with a strong social media presence, I used the application to create social subscription popups. It helped me stay in touch with potential and existing customers and create a stronger bond with them.


The application charges on a per page view basis. It can be costly for some companies. Moreover, as Converful is a robust tool, it does have a higher learning curve, and small businesses might not have the time to invest in it.


The application is free to use for up to 3,000 page views but can reach up to $199/month for 5,00,000 page views.

10) OptinMonster


OptinMonster is a lead generation tool. It helps grow email leads and has the right features to help convert these leads. The application works in three simple steps. Firstly, create the offer, then customize it to target visitors, and finally, test and make changes to reach perfection.

Use OptinMonster to create engaging popup campaigns, including exit-intent popups, to see results instantly. 


  1. Seamless Integrations: Make campaigns that can adapt in real-time so you can segment and target customers for more conversions. Group people based on their interests and share the lead information with co-marketing partners.   
  2. Actionable Insights: Reduce the time it takes to understand data with OptinMonster analytics. It shows the statistics that matter and can guide you to take action to improve your strategy. 
  3. Highly-Functional Editor: OptinMonster has a highly-functional drag and drop builder that you can use to create stunning forms. These forms can help improve the conversion rate.
  4. Campaign Triggers: Use smart triggers to display the right campaigns as per customers’ interaction with the website. It has scroll triggers, exit-intent technology, inactivity sensors, campaign scheduling, etc.


The variety of options available on the application is commendable. The massive number of templates and other customization options help increase engagement and conversions.


The user interface of the application can become an issue for beginners. It is not very intuitive. Moreover, the customer support team needs improvement.


OptinMonster pricing starts at $9 per month and can reach $49 per month.

11) Retainful


Retainful is an abandoned cart recovery tool that works for shopify and woocommerce, which helps in recovering your lost sales and increasing revenue. Retainful sends personalized cart recovery emails, encouraging them with next-order coupons and discounts to complete the purchase.

Additionally, its integration with popular apps like Mailchimp and Hubspot makes your campaigns easy and increases engagement.


  1. Drag and Drop feature: The visual drag and drop feature allows you to customize your email cart recovery emails.
  2. Prebuilt workflow: Retainful’s pre-built workflow allows you to create and launch your automated email cam
  3. paigns within minutes
  4. Referrals program: To build a loyal customer base, the referral program offered by Retainful is a great choice. Rewards are given to both referral and the referee.
  5. A/B Testing: Evaluate the effectiveness of different email types to improve the quality of your email content.
  6. Exit Intent Popup: These popups show up and capture the emails of the customers who are about to leave the site and are available as a premium feature for woocommerce stores.


It’s easy to use feature and friendly UI allows you to create and launch email campaigns and recover abandoned carts in few clicks. Additionally Retaiful’s dashboard helps you with detailed analytics of your stores.


Retainful is only limited to Shopify and Woocommerce stores while it is still in development for Shopify Plus and BiCommerce


The free version allows you to send 500 emails and can run abandoned cart recovery campaigns along with welcome emails, thank you emails, win-back emails, and follow-up email campaigns. Paid plans start at $19/m, $49/m, and $199/m.

Tips for choosing Good Cart Abandonment Software

You need to check for specific features before narrowing your search to one final cart abandonment software. Here are some tips to determine the best cart abandonment software for you.

  • Look for a tool that can track the users’ activity to target them at the right time. Cart abandonment is a very specific activity, and your tool should have the capability to recognize it.
  • A/B testing different campaigns are the only way of conclusively determining the aspects that work.
  • Ensure that the cart abandonment software can create exit-intent popups.
  • A variety of templates is mandatory for creating unique campaigns that yield results.
  • Look for email integrations that can send the email instantly to the users.
  • The application should be able to specify items abandoned.

Begin Your Journey of Better Conversions Today

Users only need one reason to abandon the cart. When there are several options on the website, any inconvenience will take them to your competitors. Therefore, you must find the ideal tools and methods to make them stay till they complete the purchase.

Cart abandonment software discussed here are among our top picks for the task in the order of preference.

Picreel makes for the ideal cart abandonment tool thanks to its high affordability coupled with better functionality. 

Contribute to reducing the cart abandonment rate around the globe with this tool today.

Learn More About Cart Abandonment Software!

Q: How does cart abandonment software work?

Cart abandonment software tracks online shoppers who leave items in their virtual carts without completing the purchase. It identifies these users and sends automated follow-up emails or notifications to encourage them to return and complete the transaction.

Q: What are the common features of cart abandonment software?

Key features include real-time tracking, personalized email campaigns, automated reminders, customizable templates, A/B testing, and analytics. Some platforms also offer integration with customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

Q: How can cart abandonment software benefit my business?

Cart abandonment software can increase conversion rates by recovering potential lost sales. It engages users through personalized messages, reminding them of abandoned items, offering incentives, and improving overall customer retention and satisfaction.

Q: What strategies can be employed within cart abandonment software to recover sales?

Effective strategies include sending timely and personalized email reminders, offering discounts or promotions, simplifying checkout, and implementing exit-intent pop-ups. Additionally, providing excellent customer support through live chat can address concerns and encourage conversions.

Q: What metrics should I monitor to evaluate the effectiveness of cart abandonment software?

Key metrics include the cart abandonment rate, recovery rate, revenue recovered, click-through rates on recovery emails, and the time taken for follow-up. Monitoring customer feedback and analyzing qualitative data can also provide insights into user behavior and help optimize recovery.

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About the author

Daniel Nicholes shares insights on CRO, persuasive marketing, exit-intent strategies, and using nudges to capture consumer behavior insights to enhance user experience. He writes about CRO methods, including landing page optimization, site intercept surveys, popups, and optimizing the customer journey. Daniel offers practical advice for experience optimization.