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How to Reduce Abandoned Cart Rates of your BigCommerce Store

How to reduce abandoned cart rates of your bigcommerce store

Did you know that the average cart abandonment rate across all e-commerce businesses is about 66.5%?

This means that almost 7 out of every 10 shopping carts end up getting abandoned, according to research in 2022.

That’s a big number!

While there are so many reasons why it takes place, all these BigCommerce abandoned carts will only spell one thing – loss to the store owner.

Here’s a comprehensive list of strategies to minimize the abandonment of BigCommerce carts and tools that will help you in the process.

Let’s get started.

Strategies to Minimize BigCommerce Cart Abandonment

Here are some effective strategies to minimize the abandonment rate of BigCommerce carts.

Simplify Checkout Navigation

To minimize cart abandonment on your BigCommerce store, simplicity is key.

Research shows that overly complex checkout processes lead to frustration and cart abandonment. So ensure your checkout is streamlined and user-friendly, with as few steps as possible.

Statistics reveal that reducing the number of form fields and clicks can increase conversions by up to 35%.

Conversion Rate vs. Number of Form Fields

For example, You can integrate one-click checkout options or guest checkout for a faster, hassle-free experience, making customers more likely to complete their purchase.

Use Pop-ups to Prevent Cart Abandonment

Pop-ups can be valuable in reducing cart abandonment.

Use exit-intent pop-ups that trigger when a user is about to leave your site with items in their cart.

These pop-ups can offer incentives such as discounts or free shipping to encourage them to complete their purchase.

Make Any Extra Costs Visible

Transparency is the oxygen in e-commerce.

Ensure that all extra costs, like shipping fees or taxes, are displayed before the customer reaches the checkout page.

Hidden costs are a significant cause of cart abandonment.

Research reveals that almost 60% of customers abandon their carts due to unexpected costs.

Reasons for abandonments during checkout

Offer Different Shipping and Payment Options

Shoppers love choices, right?

BigCommerce allows you to offer various shipping and payment options to cater to a wide range of preferences.

According to research by Stripe, 85% of customers are more likely to purchase if multiple payment options are available while offering various shipping options, including expedited and free choices, can reduce cart abandonment by 27%.

Keep the Cart Easily Accessible

Make sure your customers can easily access their shopping cart throughout their browsing journey.

A visible cart icon in the navigation bar or a fixed sidebar can remind customers of their selection.

It can increase the likelihood of customers proceeding to checkout, as it keeps their cart in their line of sight and easily accessible, preventing abandonment.

Use Google Ads for Retargeting Missed Customers

Leverage the power of Google Ads to retarget potential customers who have abandoned their carts.

Remarketing campaigns can remind them of the products left behind.

Statistics indicate that retargeted ads can recover approximately 26% of abandoned carts.

Send Reminder Emails to Bring Back Customers

Email marketing is a good tool for recovering abandoned carts.

You can create personalized and friendly reminder emails to encourage customers to complete their purchases.

As per reports, these emails have an average open rate of 41.18%, making them a highly effective strategy for cart recovery.

Send Reminder Emails

Include enticing visuals of the abandoned cart products and a clear call to action to prompt customers to return and finalize their purchase.

Also Read: Email Popups: 40+ Examples & Strategies to Explode Your List

Optimize for Mobile Devices

When it comes to reducing cart abandonment on a BigCommerce store, ensuring a mobile-friendly experience is paramount.

In fact, nearly 60% of online shoppers use mobile devices for their purchases.

BigCommerce itself boasts a responsive design, but it’s crucial to fine-tune your mobile layout, so ensure that buttons are easily tappable, the text is legible, and the overall shopping experience is as smooth as on a desktop.

Use Clear Call to Action (CTA) Buttons

CTA buttons are the driving force behind guiding visitors to take desired actions, like ‘Add to Cart’ or ‘Checkout.’

To reduce cart abandonment on BigCommerce, make sure your CTA buttons are not just visible but also compelling.

Use vibrant colors that contrast with the background, and make sure they are action-oriented, such as ‘Buy Now’ or ‘Secure Checkout.’

A/B testing your CTA buttons can help fine-tune their effectiveness. Research suggests that a well-designed CTA can boost conversion rates by up to 42%.

Clear Call to Action (CTA) Buttons

Provide Clear Product Images and Descriptions

Using high-quality product images from different angles and with zoom functionality can help customers inspect items closely, reducing doubts and cart abandonment.

Offer detailed product descriptions, including specifications, size charts, and customer reviews, to give shoppers the information they need to make confident buying decisions.

In fact, around 88% of online consumers consider product content extremely influential when making a purchase decision.

Offer Live Chat Support

Many eCommerce store owners have reported that live chat support is a powerful tool in your cart abandonment reduction strategy.

BigCommerce offers several integrations for live chat, allowing you to provide real-time assistance to customers with questions or concerns. Research shows that 79% of businesses say offering live chat features has positively impacted sales, revenue, and customer loyalty.

By offering this feature, you can address objections, provide guidance, and even offer discounts to save potentially lost sales.

Also Read: 21 Proven Tips to Fight Shopping Cart Abandonment

Tools for Recovering Abandoned Carts in BigCommerce

Now that you are well-versed in the strategies to reduce BigCommerce abandoned cart rates, let’s get an idea about some tools that assist in abandoned cart recovery.

1. Picreel

Picreel - Abandoned cart rates

Picreel is a popular popup builder that helps businesses convert website visitors into customers.

It contains 100+ popup templates that allow you to tailor a unique popup for each visitor based on their behavior, location, device, referral source, and more.

You can also use Picreel’s survey feature to collect customer insights before they exit your website.

One of the exciting features about the platform is the A/B testing and analytics.

It enables you to test different versions of your popups and measure their performance using real-time data. You can control everything on a dashboard with live stats and optimize your campaigns for maximum results.

Picreel also lets you add timers, call buttons, and other interactive elements to your popups for boosting conversions. You can create mobile-friendly popups that work seamlessly with iPhones, iPads, Android, and Windows devices.

Besides, it contains 700+ CRM & marketing integrations, which get installed in seconds for seamless abandoned cart recovery in BigCommerce.

Key Features to Help Recover Abandoned Carts:

  • Exit-intent popups for visitors about to leave the website, offering them incentives or reminders to complete their purchases.
  • Popups with AI to analyze visitors’ behavior and preferences and show them the most relevant and personalized offers.
  • Email Capture Forms for sending follow-up emails to remind and incentivize visitors to return to their abandoned carts.
  • Mobile-friendly cart recovery popups to ensure that your campaigns are effective on mobile devices.
  • Location-specific cart recovery offers, which can be useful for promoting regional deals or events.

2. CartHook


CartHook is another good software platform designed to foster abandoned cart recovery for BigCommerce and increase conversions.

It integrates with the native Shopify checkout page, so you can design one-click post-purchase offers that are relevant and targeted to your customers based on what they just bought.

Interesting, right? There’s more to talk about!

CartHook lets you set up unlimited post-purchase funnels, which are pre-determined product recommendations triggered and shown after the checkout but before the thank you page.

You can enhance your offers and assess their effectiveness through A/B testing.

Select from a range of pre-made checkout page templates and personalize them to align with your brand’s aesthetics, ensuring a unified and branded checkout journey for customers. It offers support for subscription billing models, ideal for businesses with recurring product or service offerings.

Besides, it seamlessly integrates with various e-commerce platforms such as WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and more, simplifying the setup and administration of your checkout process.

Key Features to Help Recover Abandoned Carts:

  • Create and send automated email campaigns to customers with customized email templates, timing, and frequency to suit your brand and audience.
  • Detailed analytics on your cart abandonment rate, recovered revenue, email performance, and conversion rate, which can be segmented by product, device, source, and more.
  • One-click checkout feature that lets your customers complete their purchases without leaving their email inbox.
  • Targeted pop-ups or offers to encourage customers to reconsider their decision to abandon their cart.
  • Advanced customer retention strategies like subscription products, post-purchase surveys, and more.

3. Remarkety


Remarkety is not just a marketing automation platform to help you grow your business. It does much more!

It uses advanced technology and big data analysis to help you maximize the value of every customer by engaging them and building long-term relationships, decreasing acquisition costs, and increasing customer lifetime value.

It even employs AI and machine learning to optimize personalized product recommendations. You can easily include product recommendations in any email to raise average order values and increase the number of items per order and overall engagement.

Remarkety can send behavioral email messages based on real-time signals and user behavior to remind shoppers about the items they added to their shopping cart but did not purchase.

And here’s something interesting.

Remarkety converts website visitors into shoppers with personalized email follow-ups. Recommendations related to viewed products and dynamic coupons are sent, boosting purchase rates for selected customers.

Key Features to Help Recover Abandoned Carts:

  • Automated email campaigns triggered by specific customer behaviors, encouraging the customers to complete their purchases.
  • Pre-designed email templates for cart abandonment campaigns that capture customers’ attention.
  • A/B testing cart abandonment email campaigns to optimize their effectiveness by testing different subject lines, email copy, and call-to-action buttons.
  • Suggest related or complementary products to customers, encouraging them to explore more options.
  • Control the timing and frequency of your cart abandonment emails by scheduling follow-up emails at strategic intervals to avoid overwhelming customers.

4. Omnisend

Omnisend is an email marketing automation platform designed specifically for e-commerce businesses.

It allows you to reach your customers through various marketing channels, including email, SMS, push notifications, and more. This multi-channel approach helps you engage with customers on their preferred platforms.

I like its pre-built automation workflows that are designed for e-commerce. These workflows can help you automate tasks such as sending reminders for BigCommerce abandonment carts, order follow-ups, and customer reactivation campaigns.

It also offers advanced segmentation, allowing tailored emails based on behavior, demographics, and purchase history. Plus, it supports SMS marketing for updates and auto-generates product recommendations from browsing and purchase history.

Key Features to Help Recover Abandoned Carts:

  • Track your visitors’ carts, even if they are not subscribed to your email list, to reach more potential customers who left their carts behind.
  • Create personalized and engaging email messages for abandoned cart and checkout campaigns using pre-built templates or the drag-and-drop editor.
  • Segmentation features to send targeted and relevant messages to cart abandoners and increase conversions.
  • Create omnichannel workflows that send automated messages to your cart abandoners on the most effective channel for them.
  • Track the key metrics, such as open rate, click rate, conversion rate, revenue, etc.

4. Klaviyo


When you need the best email marketing automation to reduce BigCommerce abandoned cart rates, you can count on Klaviyo.

It has a user-friendly automation builder that lets you create and scale email flows for different goals and scenarios.

You can choose from 61 premade flows or create your own custom ones. You can also use triggers, filters, splits, and delays to fine-tune your email logic.

The platform lets you pull real-time data from various sources, such as Shopify, Facebook, Stripe, and more. This helps you to create a more personalized and relevant email campaign based on your customer’s behavior and preferences.

It offers a versatile form builder for data collection, customizes email content with AI and conditional logic.

Not just this, it even utilizes advanced data science and machine learning for optimizing email marketing with predictive analytics, product recommendations, smart send times, and customer lifetime value.

Key Features to Help Recover Abandoned Carts:

  • Configure when and how often abandoned cart emails are sent. Sending the first email shortly after abandonment and follow-up emails over a few days can effectively capture the customer’s attention.
  • Track abandoned carts and checkouts using custom JavaScript code or third-party tools, even if you have a single-page checkout on your store.
  • SMS and push notification features to reach your customers on different channels. You can also use dynamic coupons, product recommendations, and social proof for more engaging messages.
  • Email builder to add dynamic product blocks that automatically display abandoned products.
  • Personalized discount codes in abandoned cart emails to incentivize customers to complete their purchases.

Ready to Reduce BigCommerce Abandoned Cart Issues?

As we reach this point, it’s quite clear that reducing abandoned cart rates in your BigCommerce store is entirely achievable with the right strategies and tools at your disposal.

By implementing user-friendly design, clear and concise product information, and simplified checkout processes, you can create a seamless shopping experience that entices customers to complete their purchases.

Besides, you can harness the power of tools such as Picreel, which contains email retargeting, exit-intent pop-ups, and cart recovery emails to help you recover potentially lost sales.

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About the author

Daniel Nicholes shares insights on CRO, persuasive marketing, exit-intent strategies, and using nudges to capture consumer behavior insights to enhance user experience. He writes about CRO methods, including landing page optimization, site intercept surveys, popups, and optimizing the customer journey. Daniel offers practical advice for experience optimization.