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Picreel-Slack Integration: Instant Notification For New Picreel Leads

Picreel-Slack Integration

The recognizable “Knock Brush” Slack notification heard around the world can now alert you the instant you get a new Picreel lead. The moment you get a lead from you offer campaign is when the lead is hottest. Now, thanks to a new new integration with Slack, Picreel customers can strike while the anvil is hot and reach out to leads within minutes.

Integrate Picreel and Slack in less than 5 minutes, and start getting notified of new Picreel leads, instantly.

Slack Is More Than Instant Messaging – And That’s Why Businesses LOVE It

IMing is nothing new. From the first AOL chat rooms of the 90s to now, many, many platforms have come and gone. Even Google is trying (mostly unsuccessfully) to compete with Slack with their more robust instant messaging platform, Hangouts Chat, which is included in their G-Suite tools (and pricing) for businesses.

But people are still wild about Slack.

Most notably because of its “channels” feature that allows conversations to be organized. Convos can be further organized by threads, files uploaded, screens shared, and video and voice calls instantly initiated. It’s basically like having your work team around the conference table. It’s also instantly searchable. Something not possible around the conference room table; unless you’re recording, and then searching for a specific snippet is still pretty painful.

Interesting tidbit on that point: Slack is actually an acronym. It stands for “Searchable Log of All Communication and Knowledge.”

Slack is crazy popular and currently valued at over $5 billion. Its 8 million daily users agree that if you’re not on Slack, how are you even working at this point???

So when Picreel customers started asking about getting Slack notifications when new leads came in, we made it happen.

How Picreel And Slack Work Together

Quite simply, any time you get a new lead from a Picreel popup builder offer campaign, Slack sends a notification to your channel of choice. The notification comes from Picreel (you’ll recognize our red PR logo) and includes the new email address collected. The email address is clickable so you can quite literally click on the address (from the notification box even!) and send the new lead an email within seconds of them converting on your campaign.

This gives sales people a huge timing advantage. They’re notified instantly, and can drop everything and reach out to the new lead with an ultra-personalized message and begin the nurturing process right away.

Integrating Picreel And Slack

Like all of our integrations, making Picreel and Slack work together takes just a few simple steps and uses the Incoming Webhooks app in Slack. In less than 5 minutes, you can be up and running.

This knowledge base article walks you through the set up with step-by-step instructions and screenshots. If you have any questions or need help, we’re always here!

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About the author

The Picreel Editorial Team is a passionate group of CRO and eCommerce experts dedicated to delivering top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your customer engagement and lead generation initiatives.