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8 Best Poptin Alternatives to Boost Website Conversion Rates [Compared]

2023's Best Poptin Alternatives Unveiled

“One of the significant drawbacks of Poptin was the lack of advanced targeting options and customization for popups. We needed more precise control over when and to whom our popups were displayed. Moreover, the reporting and analytics provided by Poptin were somewhat basic, making it challenging to gather actionable insights.”

This was the experience of David Godlewski, CEO of ‘Intelliverse’.

I spoke to several other CEOs, founders, and product managers from diverse industries to learn about their first-hand experience with Poptin.

And guess what – most of them are looking for a Poptin alternative, owing to the limitations of the tool.

While it is a popular popup tool that helps generate leads, boost conversions, grow email lists, reduce cart abandonment, etc., it is far from being the best tool in the market.

Now, before you get all frantic, hunting for the best Poptin competitors, I’ve already done the hard work for you. Check out a detailed comparison of the 8 best alternatives to Poptin that you can go for!

Poptin Alternative: Top 8 Picks for 2024

This compilation of Poptin alternatives is rooted in first-hand experience and extensive market observation. It includes not only my insights but also valuable thoughts shared by industry leaders. This curated list aims to provide you with trustworthy and comprehensive guidance for your decision-making process.

1. Picreel

Best for Boosting Leads, Conversions, and Sales

I found Picreel while looking for a Poptin alternative that grows leads, conversions, and sales.

It’s been a year or more, and I feel like switching to Picreel was an excellent decision!

The tool helps me create targeted offers and popups that instantly capture the attention of website visitors. I think it’s super easy to use, even for beginners!

I think the A/B testing feature is a great way to test different popup versions and see what works best for my audience – something that boosts conversion rates.

Picreel - Best for Boosting Leads, Conversions, and Sales

Picreel also helps me prevent customers from abandoning their carts. With its exit-intent popups, I offer them a last chance – maybe a discount or free shipping before they leave.

All in all, I would definitely recommend this over Poptin any day!

What you’ll like:

  • Advanced popup builder that allows users to create visually appealing and high-converting popups
  • Targeted offers help increase conversion rates and reduce cart abandonment
  • A/B testing and analytics features enable users to optimize popup performance
  • 100+ customizable templates for quick and seamless popup creation
  • Seamless integration with 700+ popular marketing platforms and CRM tools like HubSpot, Shopify, MailChimp, Marketo, etc.

What you may not like:

  • Although you get over a hundred templates, some users feel that there could have been more industry-specific ones
  • The software may refresh automatically if you do not have a stable internet connection

Pricing: Forever free up to 5k visitors. Paid starts at $9.99/month.

2. WisePops

Best for Onsite Marketing


Image Source: SendPulse

WisePops is another Poptin alternative known for its non-intrusive approach to onsite marketing.

(For starters, ‘onsite marketing’ is a collection of strategies you can use to promote products and services to visitors on their websites.)

The software offers a broad range of features, including the ability to insert videos, sign-up forms, and promotions into popups.

I can embed a video on my homepage that showcases my products or services in action. I can also create a sign-up form that appears after a visitor has spent a specific amount of time on my website, encouraging them to subscribe to my newsletter.

Unlike Poptin, WisePops lets you create contextual popups that appear to visitors based on their behavior and interests. I think it’s a pretty good tool for boosting conversions!

What you’ll like:

  • Offers a selection of ready-to-use campaigns like surveys, countdowns, spin to win, SMS, video, etc.
  • A wide array of targeting options, including one-click to tailor campaigns to specific audience segments
  • Provides multiple trigger options, such as scroll, time on site, and exit intent, to display popups at the most appropriate moment
  • A/B testing feature to experiment with different popup variations
  • Robust analytics and reporting capabilities that measure key metrics track conversions, and refine marketing strategies

What you may not like:

  • Some users have reported facing occasional glitches when setting pop-up triggers
  • The pricing structure can be confusing, as it is charged by page views and not by popup display, meaning you will be charged even if a popup is not triggered

Pricing: Starts at $41/month.

3. Sumo

Best for Email Capturing


Image Source: SaaSworthy

Sumo is an all-in-one email capture tool that can work as a highly reliable alternative to Poptin. It has customizable opt-in forms, making it easy to create high-converting popups, scroll boxes, etc.

I like how easy it is to embed these forms on websites, launch email popups, and send automated email sequences (triggered by specific actions, such as when someone signs up for your list or visits a certain page on your website).

The ‘Boost’ button deserves a mention. This simple button can be added to any page on your website. It allows visitors to log in with their social media accounts to subscribe to your email list – pretty smart!

What you’ll like:

  • An easy-to-use email capture tool with advanced drag-and-drop functionality to create popups
  • Lets you send personalized messages to prospects based on their actions, which nurtures leads and increases conversions
  • Displays a full-screen call to action that shows up when visitors land on your site – called the ‘Welcome Mat’
  • Allows you to create custom contact forms for your website, where you can add fields for name, email, etc.
  • Displays tailored pop-ups to individual visitors, based on the specific page they are viewing

What you may not like:

  • The free plan does not give you access to A/B testing or advanced targeting options
  • You may experience occasional bugs and glitches in the UI while using Sumo

Pricing: A free plan is available for up to 10,000 monthly emails. Paid options start at $39/month.

4. ConvertFlow

Best for Qualifying Leads


Image Source: ConvertFlow

If you are looking for Poptin competitors to improve lead qualification, ConvertFlow can be a great choice. By segmenting visitors based on their behavior, you can create polite “hook” CTAs that greet website visitors, collect their contact info, and segment them based on their behavior.

This way, you can focus on the leads that are most likely to convert.

I heard about the tool from different market leaders and found that it offers a range of features that make it easy to create popups. These targeted calls-to-action and progressive forms help capture the attention of website visitors.

ConvertFlow also offers a range of features that help you optimize conversion rates. It lets you create personalized landing pages and popups targeted to each lead’s interests.

Here’s what Draven McConville, CEO and Founder at ‘Klipboard.io’ says about the product:“The ConvertFlow platform provides a wide variety of conversion optimization tools, including but not limited to popups, sticky bars, surveys, and more.”

What you’ll like:

  • A no-code builder to easily create personalized popups, forms, product recommendations, etc.
  • Lets you create targeted calls-to-action that greet website visitors, collect their contact information, and segment them
  • Offers high-converting overlays displayed based on time, page scroll, exit-intent, and click triggers
  • Allows you to create beautiful multi-step CTAs that guide visitors through a series of questions
  • Cart abandonment funnels that bring lost sales back by making compelling offers

What you may not like:

  • A few users have reported that the user interface can be clunky and unresponsive at times
  • The starter plan does not let you create popup campaigns or CTAs, which is kind of disappointing

Pricing: A free plan is available for up to 1,000 monthly views. Paid options start at $39/month.

5. Sleeknote

Best for Gamified Popups


Image Source: Sleeknote

Gamified popups are a great way to engage and convert website visitors. They’re fun, interactive, and incredibly effective at getting people to take action.

I found Sleeknote to be a highly specialized tool for gamified popups. It’s easy to use, and with its drag-and-drop builder, I could create popups even without coding experience just by choosing a template and customizing it.

You can choose how to trigger the popups, such as exit-intent, scroll-based, or time-based. I also liked the ability to send targeted popups to specific audience segments.

Once your popup is live, Sleeknote will track its performance and provide you with detailed analytics. In my opinion, this is pretty useful to keep track of what’s working and what’s not!

What you’ll like:

  • Personalized targeting to reach the right people at the right time by setting up exit-intent triggers, geo-targeting, etc.
  • Helps you grow your email list and segment subscribers effectively
  • Interactive gamified elements such as spin-to-win wheels and scratchcards increase conversions
  • Inline forms to collect leads directly from websites without disrupting the user experience
  • Google Analytics integration to monitor your campaign performance

What you may not like:

  • The broad range of features may result in a steep learning curve
  • The lack of a free plan could be a limitation for small businesses or startups

Pricing: Starts at $49/month.

6. OptinMonster

Best for Monetizing Website Traffic


Image Source: MemberPress

The next Poptin alternative on my list is OptinMonster – a potent popup tool that monetizes website traffic. It achieves this by successfully converting your existing traffic into subscribers, leads, and sales.

What sets the software apart from Poptin is its exhaustive feature set. It combines lead capturing with advanced behavioral automation, A/B testing, and easy integration with marketing tools.

You can use OptinMonster’s exit-intent technology to offer a discount code to visitors who are about to leave your site. This results in a significant increase in sales.

Also, I’m particularly impressed with the smart tags feature. It allows me to personalize my popups based on visitor behavior.

For example, I can show visitors who have abandoned their cart a different popup than visitors who have been browsing my site for a while.

What you’ll like:

  • Various campaign types, including lightbox popups, floating bars, welcome mats, etc.
  • Allows campaign personalization based on visitors’ location, improving its effectiveness
  • Actionable insights such as conversion analytics, revenue attribution, A/B testing, etc., to improve marketing strategies
  • Smart triggers such as exit-intent technology, inactivity sensors, etc., display campaigns at the right time
  • Optimized campaigns for mobile devices to improve user experience and increase conversions across platforms

What you may not like:

  • Lack of a free plan might be a drawback for smaller businesses or startups
  • The initial setup can complex, including configuring integrations and customizing campaigns

Pricing: Starts at $9/month.

7. Mailmunch

Best for Lead Generation


Image Source: Mailmunch

Mailmunch is an excellent alternative to Poptin, helping convert website visitors into lifetime customers.

The software has various list-building tools, including popups, scroll boxes, top bars, and embedded forms. You can easily customize these to match your branding and website design.

Once leads are captured, you can use the software’s advanced audience segmentation features to group them based on their interests and behavior. This lets you send personalized emails, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Mailmunch also has powerful marketing automation features.

You can automate marketing campaigns by setting triggers to send emails automatically when subscribers take certain actions – such as signing up, abandoning their shopping cart, or making a purchase. This saves time and helps you nurture leads more effectively.

What you’ll like:

  • Advanced audience segmentation to divide your list into different groups based on interests, demographics, etc.
  • Helps you recover abandoned carts through targeted campaigns and personalized messaging
  • Increases conversions with personalized emails that treat each contact like your most valued customer
  • Helps you target individuals based on user behaviors and site visits with marketing automation
  • Integrates with major email marketing platforms, including MailChimp, Constant Contact, AWeber, etc.

What you may not like:

  • Some users have reported that Mailmunch can be glitchy at times
  • The pricing can be high, especially for businesses with large email lists

Pricing: Starts at $19.99/month.

8. Hello Bar

Best for Boosting Visitor Engagement

Hello Bar

Image Source: UC Marketing

Last on the list is Hello Bar – an excellent Poptin alternative for businesses aiming to enhance their visitor engagement.

One of the things I love most about Hello Bar is its advanced targeting options.

I can target my messages based on a variety of factors, such as the visitor’s device, location, visit page, and even their past browsing behavior.

For example, I can create a message that only appears to visitors who have abandoned their shopping cart. Or I can create a message that only appears to visitors who are from a specific country. This helps me maximize the impact of my messages and increase visitor engagement.

Apart from these, the tool is also easy to use. So, even if you’re not tech-savvy, you can create beautiful and effective popups in minutes!

What you’ll like:

  • Diverse popups, such as header and footer bars, alerts, sliders, full-page takeovers, etc.
  • A/B testing feature to see which popups perform the best and optimize campaigns
  • A variety of customization options, templates, and styling options so you can create popups that match your brand and website design
  • Enables you to view detailed statistics for popup viewership and conversion rates
  • Offers a heatmap tool to see where visitors are clicking on your website

What you may not like:

  • Some users report issues related to billing practices, like being charged without consent or experiencing problems with refunds
  • The A/B testing feature is not included in the free plan

Pricing: A free plan is available for up to 5000 popup views. Paid options start at $29/month.

Which Is the Best Poptin Alternative?

When it comes to selecting the best Poptin alternative, certain platforms stand out depending on the unique demands of your business. In my experience, here are the top 3 Poptin competitors:

Option A: Picreel

Picreel helps you create targeted offers and popups that instantly capture the attention of website visitors. It has an A/B testing feature to test different popup versions and see what works best for your audience. The tool helps prevent customers from leaving their carts in the middle of nowhere with its exit-intent popups, offering them a last chance with a discount or free shipping before they leave.

Option B: Sleeknote

Sleeknote specializes in gamified popups. It enables you to create popups simply by choosing a template and customizing it. You can choose how to trigger the popups and send targeted messages to specific audience segments. The tool also provides detailed analytics to track the performance of the popups.

Option C: OptinMonster

OptinMonster is a powerful alternative to Poptin that effectively converts website traffic into subscribers, leads, and sales. It stands out with its comprehensive features, including lead capturing, behavioral automation, A/B testing, and easy integration with marketing tools. The smart tags feature allows you to personalize popups based on visitor behavior.

In my opinion, Picreel comes out as a top substitute for Poptin. Its guarantee to grow leads and the ease of customization it offers undoubtedly make it a reliable choice for most businesses. It even offers a free plan to ensure you get a fair chance at testing it before making an investment.

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About the author

Daniel Nicholes shares insights about CRO, persuasive marketing, exit-intent strategies, and using nudges to capture consumer behavior insights with the goal of enhancing user experience. Daniel writes about CRO methods, including landing page optimization, site intercept surveys, popups, and how to optimize the complete customer journey. Daniel actively contributes to industry discussions, offering actionable & practical advice for experience optimization.