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5 Questions to Help You Create Customer-Centric Landing Pages

Knowing and understanding the target customers is very essential in creating offers that reverberate with them. After all, that is the very essence of advertising.

But then again, there is more to it than simply knowing and understanding.

Every essential feature in your landing page SHOULD be conceived for—and only for—your target customers.

Failing to do so will only make your landing pages somewhat a master of none—quite interesting, but not compelling enough to generate a conversion.

To help you thwart the “generecism” of many landing pages and enable you to put together customer-centric offers in your landing pages, here are some questions experts want you to consider.


1. Does the headline give enough motivation?

A headline is the very first thing prospective customers read in your landing page so it only makes sense to spend time thinking over and making a a very compelling one.

What makes a customer-centric headline? We know the one below doesn’t.


How about this?


“Great teams make great business”, but what exactly do you do? “High Protein Pancakes”, and then what?

Headlines is NOT the time to ask a question or for some clever puns and ambiguous one-liners. The single objective of a headline is TO TELL PEOPLE WHAT THE PRODUCT IS ALL ABOUT.

Unless you actually tell people about your product, most of them will be inclined to keep reading and learning more.

Remember to be:

– As brief and to the point as possible.

– Clearly define your value proposition, CLEARLY being the operative word

As a rule of thumb, try pondering whether your landing page headline fits with the other pages of your website. If it does, then apparently, you’re not being clear and specific enough.

2. Does your headline have a professional look and feel?

How fast is 50 milliseconds? It’s an important number to know because that’s about how long people judge home and landing pages. That is literally as fast as the blink of an eye!

If your landing page seems obsolete and aimlessly being pieced together, then it will be very less credible in the eyes of prospects.

What makes an untrustworthy landing page? Take a look below.


Tell me if you cam call this one dependable. The all-too-hypie assurance and the irrelevant background image of a sandy beach? Really? Only 5-year-olds fall for that.

What message does an irrelevant photo give to potential customers? Right. UNRELIABILITY.

Things to remember:

– Avoid spammy phrases like ‘increase your profit’ or similar jargons

– Avoid red headline with a yellow contrast because it exudes high-pressure imagery

– Avoid unrealistic guarantees

3. Does your headline image relate to your product?

When you are in a little bit of time constraint, you may strongly consider buying stock images from a website/platform selling stock photos. But will stock images reverberate in your audience’s system the way that you would want to? Hardly.


Although iTeleCenter’s landing page copy (above) is pretty rad, they can do so much better than putting a stock photo that is completely unrelated to their product.

To add to the clarity and persuasiveness, use images of real people using your products, showing a context of use.


Do you think this image of a shirt is approprtate for a pension webiste or do you think it conveys something else—like a laundry or a dry-cleaning shop or something?

To test whether you do have the suitable image for the landing page, remove the text and ask: ‘Can I still figure out what the landing page is about even without the copy?’

If you do, then you’re right on the button.

4. Are you being clear what awaits the customers?

A landing page is all about signing forms and opting in, but are you conveying what potential customers are opting in for?

For example, what about the image below?


Do you think SeniorQuote is being clear about what awaits prospects when they call the toll-free number on the upper right corner? Absolutely not.

So remember: Add more context in your invitation. How are you going to help the customers? What’s in it if they sign up or call?

If you’re landing page, for instance, is about a free consultation, then you need these factors pointed out in the landing page in order to convey a clear message:

– The time it takes for the consultation

– The required commitment

– Will the consultation be over the phone or in video chat providers like Skype?

The essence here is simple. People will be asking themselves a lot of questions when they see your landing page so it is our job to answer as many of those questions as we can to remove any trace of doubt in their minds. It’s like talking to them in real time.

5. Are you clearly pointing out how you differ from the other competing sites/companies?

A Unique Value Proposition (UVP) is just as important in communicating to your landing page visitors as talking about the benefits of your product. In fact, the two should go hand-in hand.

As a rule of thumb, your value proposition (how you stand out from your competitors) should be revealed in the first 10 seconds, or else the visitors will be gone!


Take a look at Equafy’s landing page. It did talk about how beneficial there products are but they failed to communicate how different they are compared to their competitors. And even if some landing pages do tell how there products are different from other companies, it’s being entombed somewhere in the copy that visitors would oftentimes fail to notice it.

Remember: To make a customer-centric landing page, make your value proposition as prominent as you can, without overhyping the whole thing.

Ways of Getting To Know the Prospective Clients

One of the most fundamental mistakes that leads to a low landing page conversion rate is the folly of observing prospects from a distance. On the contrary, advertisers should do the opposite and talk to them.

That’s where the value of qualitative research comes in. You have to study your target audience’s tendencies in order to know what questions are popping in their minds and then, answer those questions in the landing page copy.

Here are some ways to do it:

• Encourage interaction via user testing

• Even after converting, ask the customers through a survey what doubts and reservations they had while they are completing the process

• If post-conversion surveys are useful, then it also makes sense to ask non-converting visitors why they are not completing the action.

• Get an expert opinion of your landing page. It’s not exactly for the faint of heart, but an unbiased assessment can only be produce positive results.

Phone interviews.

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About the author

The Picreel Editorial Team is a passionate group of CRO and eCommerce experts dedicated to delivering top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your customer engagement and lead generation initiatives.